Sun Country Airlines Ad

This FPV “One Take” shoot was made to capture everything that happens in an airline’s maintenance facility in a dynamic and fun way.

Minneapolis By Air

A collection of stunning aerial views of the Twin-Cities, Minnesota.

Inflight Pilot Training, MN

This project was designed to display the beauty of aviation for an Eden Prairie based flight school, Inflight Pilot Training.

“Good Luck”


Grieving the death of his father and pressure from his mother to come back home, a jaded actor reflects on his career following a horrible audition.

Planned, shot, and edited at UCLA TFT Summer Institute in 1 week.

Narrative short DP debut for Josh Miller

11 Days In New Zealand

I made this short film to showcase the beauty of the South Island of New Zealand. I traveled to New Zealand in 2016, and was truly amazed by the beauty before me. The most pristine landscapes and cities I have ever seen in my life were all found in this amazing country.


This short film, titled Assassin, was produced for a film class in a 24 hour time period with the prompt: Short and Scary. In under 1 minute it covers a "gun for hire" played by Zoe Nyberg-Powell, who's next job didn't go quite as planned.